Campaign Week-in-Review - 10/25/19: 11 Days to Go - Volunteer Now; Upper Falls Area Council Recap; Hemlock Gorge Cleanup Tomorrow

by Irina Costache, Campaign Organizer | Subscribe by Email

We are down to the final stretch before the November 5 general election! Thank you to everyone so far who has shown support for Bill’s campaign. Don't forget to email your friends and neighbors to urge them to vote for him. Below are some important reminders to keep in mind as we approach voting day.



On this year’s ballot, the Ward 5 Councilor race will be listed absolute last on the back side of the Ward 5 ballow, next to the three contested School Committee races. A preview of the ballot can be found here.


Absentee Voting

In-person absentee voting at City Hall ends at noon on Monday November 4, meaning that there are 5.5 remaining business days to vote there ahead of the election after today. The City Clerk office open on weekdays only from 8:30 am - 5:00 p.m., except for on Tuesdays when it remains open until 8 p.m.


Volunteering Sign Ups

Signs: We are looking for volunteers to help hold signs supporting Bill at the polls on election day -- Tuesday November 10! If you would like to sign up for a two hour shift at one of the three locations, please click here

Phones: Even more importantly, we need to sign up phone-bankers to contact our support on the day of the election. The time and location have not been set in stone yet, but you can email Bill to express your interest in joining us for that. (If you are not available on Election Day but would be willing to make phone calls on weeknights from your home this coming week, you can also let us know that, too.)

Door-Hangers: We are also looking for volunteers to assist Bill in distributing door-hangers around Ward 5 on the days prior to the election (particularly Sunday the 3rd or Monday the 4th) reminding supporters to vote! If you are interested in helping out, please fill out this form!


Door Knocking Update

This week, Bill knocked another 335 more doors in Ward 5! He has now passed the 7,500 mark for the year. On Sunday, weather permitting, he will wrap up his fourth and final pass of speaking to voters at their doors around all of Ward 5!

Bill also stopped by the Newton Harvest Fair & Green Expo in Newton Centre this past Sunday before hitting the doors in Newton Highlands.


Upper Falls Area Council

  • On Thursday night, Bill attended the monthly Upper Falls Area Council meeting. All of the Ward 5 candidates running for various offices were invited to speak. Other items on the agenda included the WHDH Maintenance Project, Sudbury Aqueduct meeting recap, and Northland Updates. 

  • As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, “"Part of the Upper Falls Greenway will be temporarily closed due to safety requirements during a WHDH tower maintenance project on Sunday, October 27, 2019 from 7am to 11am.  In the event of inclement weather, the project will be rescheduled for Sunday November 3rd from 7am to 11am."

  • One point of discussion from the meeting was in regards to voter frustration with the quasi-judicial special permit process preventing candidates from being clear about their views on proposed developments. The Law Department has advised that no one should state a yes or no position on pending special permit applications or risk lawsuits, as discussed in this recent Boston Globe article. On Twitter, Bill commented about the article, “I followed the guidance I received to not state a position on quasi-judicial permit applications under review, but I would agree that it's frustrating to elect Councilors to vote on things that they are *legally* advised not to discuss during campaigns. I do attempt to be as forthcoming as possible with voters about my overall philosophy on major housing development and specific very positives or negatives I see in pending applications, even if I can't say overall whether I'd vote yes or no because of the legal guidance. Plus of course the negotiations do change the end result throughout the process so any given change in the project proposal might alter how I or anyone would vote on an application.” (He reiterated this view during the Area Council meeting last night.)

  • The Upper Falls Area Council, like its peer Councils in Ward 5, is facing a problem of not having enough people running. Candidates with at least 25 write-in votes would get elected onto the council, or the elected new Council can appoint remaining vacancies afterwards.

  • One community question brought up by residents was about whether the traffic lights are finalized yet or still temporary at the new Oak/Christina/Needham intersection. The Area Council is looking into this issue.


Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct 26) is the Hemlock Gorge Fall Cleanup Day, rain or shine. Here’s a note from the Friends of Hemlock Gorge: 

“Please dress appropriately for the work and weather. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place off Elliot Street between 9:30 and 10 a.m. Parking available at Hamilton Place, the Mills Falls parking lot, and at the Hemlock Gorge parking lot at the intersection of Ellis St. and Rte. 9. Clean-up materials supplied!  We plan to have hand cleaners and a lunch available for volunteers after the cleanup, at noon at the Stone Building. The lunch will be held inside if need be. It’s our 39th cleanup overall since Brian Yates organized the first one in 1990.”